2012 River-friendly Landscaping for Parks (presentations)
This course was sponsored by UC Cooperative Extension and Sacramento County Deptment of Water Resources. It was held for park directors, managers, and workers in Sacramento County January 25, 31, and February 7, 2012.
The files below are in PDF form.
Jan. 25
On-site water retention - Scott Volmer (0.5 MB)
Bioswales - Bill Roach (2.1 MB)
Irrigation design - Don Franklin (3.2 MB)
Irrigation scheduling - Loren Oki (1.1 MB)
Jan. 31
Pesticides in water runoff - Loren Oki (2.8 MB)
Permeable paving, etc. - Ed Armstrong (3.2 MB)
Low-impact development - Eric Berntsen (3.9 MB)
Improving soils and case studies - Eric Berntsen (6.8 MB)
Feb. 7
Benefits of trees, planting tips - Luanne Leinecke (3.6 MB)
Design & management for tree longevity - Paula Peper (6.8 MB)
Young tree pruning & maintenance - Analisa Stewart (9.7 MB)
Alternative turf demonstration - Chuck Ingels (5.3 MB)