Local BMSB Research and Reports
In 2014, 2015, and 2016, we monitored the BMSB population in midtown/downtown Sacramento to learn about the phenology and seasonal development of BMSB.
We also had many detection traps out in the pear districts of the Sacramento River Delta and the North Coast. Below are the BMSB finds in traps:
Trap in Freeport: Oct. 2015 - One male. Sept./Oct. 2016 - 3 males
Trap in a vineyard near Clarksburg: June/July 2016 - 3 males, 2 nymphs
In 2017, we continued to monitor BMSB populations, and we found not a single BMSB in Freeport, Clarksburg, or any other Delta trap. In addition, trap counts in Midtown Sacramento were lower than in 2014-16.
Funding for 2014-2016 was provided by the Pear Pest Management Research Fund (PPMRF), and in 2014 the Lodi Winegrape Commission provided funding.
Please click on the following links to our research efforts:
NEW ARTICLE FROM SACRAMENTO RESEARCH: Ingels, C. and K. Daane. 2018. Phenology of brown marmorated stink bug in a California urban landscape. J. Econ. Ent. https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/tox361