Crop production video series for Central Valley strawberry growers. Produced for Southeast Asian farmers in California by the University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources with support from the National Research Initiative of the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, USDA.
Crop Production and Pest Management Slide Sets. These user-friendly slide sets were created for Southeast Asian and other limited resource strawberry growers by Chuck Ingels, Erica Chernoh, Jennifer Sowerwine, and Jenny Broome. The slide sets were developed under a USDA National Research Initiative grant, which was led by Jennifer Sowerwine, UC Berkeley. These slide sets were not peer-reviewed, and some information may be out of date. Always follow pesticide labels. Consult the UC IPM Strawberry Pest Management Guidelines for current information.
Fertigation - Applying fertilizers through the drip system
Cover Crops and Crop Rotations
For a searchable Google map of the strawberry farms in Sacramento:
February 12 Annual UCCE Strawberry Production Research Meeting Announcement
Hi folks, the 2025 UCCE Annual Strawberry Production Research meeting will take place this...
Does Early Flower Removal Actually Result in Higher Fruit Yield in Strawberry?
I had a great conversation earlier today with a grower concerning the effect to strawberry fruit...
California Plant and Soil Conference, February 6 and 7
Happy New Year everyone! Looks like the year has come out storming with a lot to do and...
One Fungus = One Name: Fungal Nomenclature in the Age of Genetic Analysis
A few weeks ago Mark got a call from a person who was wondering why a fungus that we work with, he...
Introducing the Spiny Assassin Bug
Close readers of this blog will know that last year Mark noted toward the end of the season a very...